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BIM stands for Building Information Modeling and is a process that starts with the
creation of an intelligent 3D model that enables document management,
coordination, and simulation throughout the entire lifecycle of a construction project.
The services that BIM companies provide are diverse and can include modeling,
coordination, fabrication, implementation – amongst others – and their main
purpose is to help individuals, businesses and government agencies to plan, design,
operate and maintain projects more efficiently

As the world population is increasing rapidly, the AEC industry needs to be smart
enough to find new, clever and more efficient ways to design and build. This needs to
be done not only to keep up with the global demand but to also play an active part in
creating spaces that are smarter and more resilient as well. In this scenario, BIM is a
key asset: it not only allows design and construction teams to work more efficiently,
but it also allows them to capture the data they create during the process to benefit
operation and maintenance activities. This is the main reason why BIM mandates
are increasing across the world.

In the field of construction, BIM refers to the process of delivering and operating built
assets using well-structured digital information that all the involved parties have
access to. This means it is more a way of working than a specific software, physical
object or entity. For a BIM working environment to operate effectively, all parties
must collaborate and share the information they create in a mutually accessible
online space known as a common data environment (CDE). Therefore, everyone who
needs to reach the information can do it easily. That collection of data is known as
‘information model’, and can be used to inform all stages of a built asset’s lifecycle;
from inception right through to operation and renewal.

To utilize the intelligent 3D model adequately, different uses of BIM may require
different software
applications. There are many types, here are a few of them:
• Object-oriented 3D modeling software for creating and manipulating models (i.e.
Autodesk Revit or Bentley Microstation)
• ANALOGUEineering analysis software (i.e. Risa 3D or Tekla Structures)
• Rendering software (i.e. 3D Studio Max)
• Coordination software (i.e. Naviswork or Tekla Structures)
• Estimating software (i.e. Timberline or Graphisoft Constructor)
• Middleware (i.e. Innovaya or Avatech Earth Connector)
• Detailing software (i.e. Tekla Structures or SDS/2)
Source: BIMForum.org, Autodesk.com; theb1m.com